Enroll as a Parish Ambassador

Please provide all the necessary information below. If you have any questions or concerns about the required information, please contact us at pa@relevantradio.com.

Your Information
Please indicate if you were referred to this program by an existing Parish Ambassador by writing their name below.

Your Address Information

Parish Information
Pastor Approval

Parish Address

Parish Contact
We ask you to provide a parish contact name and email address (NOT the pastor) so that the parish office is aware that you plan to serve as a Parish Ambassador for Relevant Radio.

In the event that there are existing Ambassadors at your parish, the administrator can notify other Ambassadors that you plan to serve as well.

We will send one email to the contact provided to let them know that you are serving as an Ambassador at their parish. We will not contact them further. We will share your first and last name as well as your email address with them.

If you choose not to share a contact name, we ask that you reach out to the parish office independently to inform them of your Ambassador status.

By pressing SUBMIT you are joining the Parish Ambassador program at Relevant Radio and agree to receive emails from our team.